About Us

The Canonical Orthodox Old Roman Catholic Clerical Directory is a collaborative archive representing the historical and orthodox jurisdictions/ecclesial communities continuing to preserve the Western expression of the Catholic Faith once maintained by the ancient See of Utrecht, which became known as the Old Roman Catholic Church of the Netherlands from 1853 upon its annexation from the communion of the Holy See by Pope Pius IX.

Listing and Membership of the Old Roman Catholic Clerical Directory is limited to those Churches and ecclesial communities who…

  • historically and verifiably derive their existence from the original jurisdictions and ecclesial communities founded by the Old Roman Catholic Church under the aegis of Arnold Harris Mathew following his “Declaration of Independence” from the See of Utrecht in 1910; and
  • whose principal line of Apostolic Succession* is “pure” and demonstrably derived solely and by direct descent from the first generation of Old Roman Catholic bishops consecrated by Arnold Harris Mathew employing exclusively the Pontificale Romanum in harmony with that transcribed in the “Old Catholic Missal & Ritual” of 1909; and
  • whose bishops have ever retained and continue to maintain canonical structures, discipline, orthodox doctrine and praxis recognisably inherited from that “single deposit of the Faith once delivered to the Saints” [Jude i:3] and recognisable as that of the “One, holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.”

*N.B. Some bishops/clerics may have been incardinated from other ecclesial communities and have other lines of Succession; inclusion in the ORC Clerical Directory is primarily by authentic ORC jurisdiction; such clerics will normally have been conditionally ordained or re-ordained to receive orthodox ORC holy Orders. Mixed Apostolic Successions normally debar a cleric from listing.


This website is primarily to be a source of resource and information concerning the canonical and orthodox jurisdictions continuing in the Old Roman Catholic tradition and to be a point of reference for the contemporary enquirer.

The ORC Clerical Directory is also a response to approaches made by other mainstream denominations to form relationships with representatives of those churches and communities who properly belong to the Old Roman Catholic tradition.

The ORC Clerical Directory is also conceived to assist Old Roman Catholic clergy in the furtherance of fraternal charity, mutual support and collaboration in missionary endeavour. ORC Clergy are expressly invited to join as Members of the Directory via this link.

Inclusion in the ORC Clerical Directory is at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.

Listing in the ORC Clerical Directory implies no other relationship, dependence or polity of an individual with other persons or jurisdictions also listed, other than as may be specifically detailed, or as regards the requirements for eligibility for inclusion stipulated above.

Membership of and listing in the ORC Clerical Directory is exclusively for those clerics and jurisdictions as stipulated above. Individuals applying without pure ORC Apostolic lineage will be ignored.

The Editorial Committee takes no direct responsibility for the accuracy of the information listed other than as may be indicated by source. Please supply any additions or corrections here.